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الاتصال بالشركة

خط انتاج الخبز العربي

All over the world, many people eat a type of food called bread. Kids, adults, the whole of mankind, eat it. Therefore, there are various types of bread, and one of the most commonly used types of bread, which many people love, is the Arabic خط إنتاج التورتيلا, and some people call it pita bread. Long story short, there are people who eat this type of bread with every meal, and it has been like that since day one. Juheng makes a lot of Arabian bread every day, let's learn how to make this delicious bread. 

It’s not too hard to make Arabic bread and can be fun! Begin with the mixing of the ingredients, flour, yeast, water, and salt. All of these ingredients are extremely important as they assist us while preparing the dough. When we combine everything, we leave the dough to rest for about an hour. This is known as letting the dough rise, and it occurs because the yeast does its job and expands the dough, making it bigger and lighter. After the dough rises, becomes fluffy, we cut small pieces and then roll those pieces into round balls. We roll the dough into balls and let them rest an additional 10 to 15 minutes. Letting it rest makes the bread even better!

An Inside Look at the Production Line

We then take the balls of dough and flatten them into round disks. We can open it with a rolling pin or a special machine. Once the disks are prepared, we toast them on a very hot griddle. The griddle is a flat cooking surface that becomes quite hot. The disks of dough fry for a few minutes on each side and puff up as they cook, becoming soft and light. We top-cook the خط انتاج الدونات and remove it gently from the griddle, then cool on a rack. Cooling is essential because it allows the bread to hold its shape and taste fresh. 

We also have these specialized machines that help us produce pitas very quickly and much more efficiently. Next is our dough mixer, which is the first machine we use. This mashine mixes very well all the ingredients of the dough together. Once the dough is mixed, it is sent to another machine that breaks the dough into equal-size pieces. This means that every piece of bread is the same size. 

Why choose Juheng Arabic bread production line?

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